Fi | Sve | Ru

Customer Service

Finnish Divers´ Federation is situated in Helsinki at Pitäjänmäki area in the Olympic Committee building.

Finnish Divers´ Federation
Valimotie 10, 5th floor
FI-00380 Helsinki

Tel: +358 9 3481 22 58


Our office is open during the week from 8.00 am to 16.00 pm and from June to August from 8.00 am to 15.00 pm.

If you would have to pick up something from our office so we kindly ask you to agree it beforehand with our member service.
Guests are not freely allowed to come to our office premises. They should call directly to our member service and if needed register at the machine on our lower lobby to get the personal access card to be held during the visit.

Guests will be picked up from the lower lobby or from the 5. floor elevator. 



E-mail addresses are in format:

toiminnanjohtaja Sari Nuotio

Executive Director
Sari Nuotio
tel. +358 40 525 6336


Koulutuspäällikkö Mika Rautiainen

Training Manager
Mika Rautiainen
tel. +358 400 380 981


Nuorisopäällikkö Heli Halava

Youth Manager
Heli Halava
tel. +358 40 764 1157



Jäsenpalveluvastaava Riku Verkkomäki

Membership Coordinator
Riku Verkkomäki
tel. +358 9 3481 2258 


Järjestöassistentti Anne Kettunen

Organization Assistant
Anne Kettunen
tel. (09) 3481 2258 


Viestintäkoordinaattori Kristiina Karila

Communications Coordinator
Kristiina Karila
tel. +358 400 163 262



Sukelluskuvauksen SM-kilpailun 2015 videosarjan voittaja

Kuvaajan Nimi | Valkiajärvi | 2015

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