Sve | En | Ru

Kurssin ohjelma

Languages used: English, Finnish, German. 

Online course materials will be available and test will be conducted in English. Finnish materials and test available upon request.  Briefings will be conducted in English.

Registration closed: 09.04.2024.

First payment due: 12.04.2024.

TUESDAY, 09.04.2024,  19:00-20:30 pm : Kick-off meeting, Kilo swimming pool cafetaria, second floor. Introduction to and overview of the course, practical issues and recommendations regarding basic and scuba gear. Candidates are advised not to purchase own gear beforehand. Swimming test, use of ABC-equipment and SCUBA intro dive at 21:00 in the pool.

Wednesday, 10.04.2024: Access to online theory lessons granted. 

Pool sessions are on Tuesdays 21:00-23:00 and Fridays from 20:00-22:00 in the Kilo swimming hall's deep pool. Further details on the schedule to be agreed in the knick-off meeting.

More information from Rupert Simon at or +358400399262